Evaluating the efficacy and tolerability of oral long-acting methadone in dogs with naturally occurring osteoarthritis
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Study Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a novel drug formulation to control osteoarthritis pain in dogs. Research studies have demonstrated this drug combination is safe and effective in controlling pain after surgery in dogs. Our goal is to enroll pets with naturally occurring osteoarthritis and determine the effectiveness of this novel formulation in these dogs.
Is your dog eligible?
Your dog must:
- Have a history of lameness or difficulty walking, standing or laying down
- Be otherwise healthy
- Weigh at least 5 pounds and be at least 1 year of age
What does this study involve?
Clients will initially have a phone interview to verify their dog meets initial enrollment criteria. Veterinarians at the Kansas State University Veterinary Health Center will perform a physical exam and orthopedic exam at no cost to the client for those pets invited to participate. Based on the exam findings, radiographs (x-ray films, which may require mild sedation), blood work and urinalysis may be performed to confirm your pet is healthy. This is an outpatient study (your dog will not be hospitalized), but does have weekly rechecks (8 total) and about a 15 minute weekly telephone call to monitor you dog. If your dog is eligible and enrolled, your dog will begin randomly with one of 3 treatment groups (2 active treatments and a placebo treatment). All dogs will receive all 3 treatments for 2 weeks at a time, but in a different order with 1 week between treatments. Additional pain medication, dispensed specifically for the study, is available throughout the study if needed. The study will consist of 9 weekly visits (1 initial exam and 8 rechecks covering 8 weeks total).
Client compensation
The cost of the exam will be paid for by the study. All of the costs incurred for the study (diagnostic tests, return visits and treatments) will be paid by the study. Clients whose dogs complete the study (attend all visits and complete all phone calls) will also receive 6 months of flea and tick preventative free of cost (the specific flea and tick preventative will be determined by the study).
Client Responsibilities
- Come to the Veterinary Health Center for weekly visits
- Administer the medications as directed
- Fill out a short questionnaire at each visit (less than 10 minutes)
- Be available for a weekly phone interview/checkup
- Throughout the study you will need to record:
- All medications administered to your dog
- Any changes in your dog’s behavior and eating habits
- Stop any other pain medications during the study
- Pain medications provided by the study will be available throughout to administer to your dog if needed
Contact Information
Please contact the clinical trials coordinator at the Veterinary Health Center for more information. clinicaltrials@vet.k-state.edu or (785) 532-3046