Emergency and Critical Care Services
The Veterinary Health Center (VHC) is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for emergency and critical care services.
Directions & Maps to the hospital
Emergency Desk Telephone
Small Animal & Exotics: 785-532-5690
Equine and Livestock Services: 785-532-5700
Small Animal and Exotics
Please check-in at the main desk of the small animal entrance when arriving at the hospital. Look for the Emergency sign in front of the hospital.
Equine and Livestock Services
Please check-in at the main desk of the small animal entrance when arriving at the hospital. Look for the Emergency sign in front of the hospital.
Payment Policy
All patients received after 5:00 pm will have an emergency fee. Additional fees may be applied during regular hours for some urgent/emergency cases. This determination is based on the immediate needs of the patient and the need to halt other hospital services.
An after hours emergency fee of $180 will be charged for small animal patients received by the Small Animal Emergency Service weekdays 4:00 pm – 8:00 am, weekends and week-day holidays.
A deposit of approximately 60% of the estimate is required before treatment is initiated.
Payment by cash, check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa or American Express is due upon termination of the office visit, completion of the ambulatory call or release of the patient from the hospital.
Changes to your account may occur after you’ve departed the Veterinary Health Center due to our routine review of all medical records to ensure charges accurately reflect the visit. This routine review may result in a final invoice during the next billing cycle.
The VHC Business Office will be happy to answer your payment questions.