
Radiographic Impressions:

Mass effect cranial mid-abdomen differentials should include colon, small bowel, or mesentery. Small liver differentials should include fibrosis, cirrhosis or congenital disease such as portal systemic shunts. Kidneys and spleen are poorly seen as this abdomen is tucked up (detail is not good - most likely because of loss of abdominal fat) although a small amount of abdominal effusion may be present.

Ultrasonographic Impressions:

Infiltrative bowel disease differentials should include neoplastic, granulomatous, or inflammatory disease. Possible foreign body aboral to cecum. Lymphadenopathy. Recommend upper GI or barium enema to better evaluate this. Fine needle aspirate under ultrasound guidance is also recommended if clinically indicated.

D. S. Biller, DVM, DACVR

Upper GI Contrast Study Impressions and Cytology Results:

Contrast filling defect in transverse colon.

Transverse colonic adenocarcinoma.